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Managing a large number of bookable time slots or dates effectively  


Splitting your experience into time slots can be beneficial in many ways. It can ensure that visitors arrive at staggered times throughout the day. It can allow you to create individual experiences repeated throughout the day or week. It can enable you to fine-tune pricing for peak and off-peak periods.  


Citizen Ticket provides tools to help navigate the management of these seasons of time slots, or multiple dates. They collectively are named ‘Multi-date tools’. You can select numerous dates and time slots easily, and perform a bulk action:

  • Change their capacities
  • Edit the tickets within
  • Create new tickets across the dates
  • Cancel times/dates en-masse
  • Export attendees or sales data

Tools are also provided to help quickly create whole weeks or months of time slots, starting from a single base time slot.


By navigating to the event calendar from the organiser dashboard, you can perform these actions and more.

It’s a good idea to create your first time slot as a template to continue from and copy your initial season of events. From here, you can perform smaller changes and tweak prices accordingly.

Dates are similar, but ultimately individual entities

Each individual date/time slot is understood to be its own entity; that is, the time slot is independent of those around it and can have completely its own schedule, capacity and ticket types within. In reality, most time slots end up being very similar to one another, but it’s worth knowing that they are separate and can be configured independently.

Create your first time slot first, then duplicate it

The best starting point is to configure your first time slot’s tickets.

  1. In Dates, create your first event date. It may be 5 minutes long or 2 hours long - whatever timeframe matches your planned schedule.
  2. Within the date, go into the Tickets tile
  3. Set your capacity, add your tickets with individual prices and settings, and group into ticket groups, if desired.
  4. Double check your initial setup of tickets from the preview event page
  5. You’re now ready to duplicate your tickets

Next, navigate to the Calendar. You can find this in the left hand side menu bar, or by clicking into ‘Dates’ and then ‘Calendar’.

Duplicate into a day’s worth of timeslots

To duplicate your time slot throughout the day;

  1. Click on the time slot you’ve just created
  2. Click ‘Duplicate’
  3. Ensure ‘Duplicate tickets’ is checked
  4. Click ‘Duplicate Many’
  5. Fill in the form;
    1. Repeat until - the last start time of your day’s time slots should be entered
    2. ‘With X minutes between time slot start times’. Type the number of minutes between event start times. You may choose to overlap time slots, keep one starting immediately after the previous, or keep a gap between time slots.
  1. Click ‘Add date’. Your time slots will now be created

Duplicate the rest of your season

After your time slots have finished being created for your first day, you’re ready to duplicate them across the rest of the season (which could be a week for example, or several months).

  1. On the calendar page, click ‘Multi-date mode’
  2. Select the range of time slots that you have just created using the check box in the top left of the calendar day.
  3. Click the ‘Duplicate Dates’ button
  4. Now select the days on the calendar for which you would like to repeat the dates. Scroll through the months if you need to.
  5. Click ‘Confirm copy new’. Your time slots will now be created.

Now would be a good time to review the customer facing calendar page.  

  1. Go to the event’s dashboard
  2. Click the ‘Public page’ link found top right of your dashboard


Multi-date mode

Multi-date mode is a group of features that allow you to update capacities and tickets on multiple dates at once.

Typically, most of these features follow the same user pattern;

  1. Turn on ‘Multi-date mode’ by pressing the so-named blue button
  2. Select the time slots or dates that you would like to update
    1. You can use the checkboxes in the corner of the calendar days, or the calendar month, to select whole days or months at once
    2. You can also change months and continue to select dates
  1. At the bottom of the page, choose from the available functions
  2. Continue to follow the steps as directed to complete your updates on the selected dates

Using multi-date mode to update capacities

After selecting your dates in ‘Multi-date mode’, choose the ‘Update capacities’ function and enter a numeric capacity. If using automatic capacity management, it will apply the new maximum capacity to the selected dates.

Using multi-date mode to perform cancellations

It’s a common scenario that whole days of time slots may need to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Use ‘Multi-date mode’ to select the relevant time slots, click ‘Delete dates’, and then ‘Cancel event’. Continue to follow the instructions.

All dates will be removed from sale immediately after you confirm the cancellation via email.

For dates that have sold tickets, your attendees will be emailed with an option to exchange their tickets for a different time slot, retaining your revenue. Customers affected will also be given an option to request a refund, which will be automatically approved. To use this functionality, ensure you check ‘offer exchanges’ when cancelling event dates. (If you do not see this option you will need to enable exchanges first).

For further information on cancelling dates, please read Cancelling or postponing your event date.  

Ticket type management with Multi-date mode

Multi-date mode can be used to manage multiple ticket types at once.

Editing tickets en-masse is straightforward;

  1. With your selected dates, choose ‘Edit common tickets’ and then you will be brought to a familiar ‘Edit ticket’ form.
  2. Changes you make, such as title or price, will be applied to all like-for-like tickets across your selection.

To add a new ticket type, you’ll be using the ‘Clone ticket type’ function;

  1. Select the first time slot that you want to add a new ticket type to.
  2. After creating your new ticket, return to multi-date mode.
  3. Select the time slot that you have just added a new ticket within, click ‘Clone ticket type’, and choose your new ticket type.
  4. Next, click ‘Select destination dates and start to choose the remainder of the sessions.
  5. Finally, click ‘Clone ticket type to selected dates’ and your tickets will be duplicated across

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