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Attendees & Guests - Seating Plan

This feature allows event organisers to implement assigned seating for attendees as part of the Advanced and Professional package offerings. Within the "Attendees & Guests" section, organisers can view which specific seats each customer has selected or been assigned, along with their ticket information. This integrated seating overview enables efficient seat management and provides a clear visual of the arranged seating layout for the event. To access this premium feature, organisers should contact their account manager for setup assistance.


  • This feature is available for Advanced and Professional packages.
  • To find out more about how your event can use a seating plan please contact your account manager.

If you do already have a seating plan in place for your event, you can check which customer has which seat(s) via the Attendees & Guests tile on your dashboard.

  1. Click on the “Attendees & Guests” Tile.
  2. On the table you will see the event name, customer name and the seats they have chosen. You can also see the ticket type(s) that the customer bought.

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