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Tickets - How do I create a free ticket type?

This feature allows organisers to create and offer free ticket types for their events. To do this, simply add a new ticket type or edit an existing one, give it a name, and then select the "Free Ticket" checkbox under the pricing options. This will set the ticket price to zero. Free tickets can be a useful tool for issuing complimentary passes, enabling free admissions for certain attendee groups, or running giveaway promotions. However, it's important to note that free tickets cannot be created for live stream access or watch again features, which require setting a paid price.

  1. Within your event, click the "Tickets" tile.
  2. Click "Add Ticket Type" (or “Edit” on an existing ticket you want to make free).
  3. Name your ticket.
  4. Then select the checkbox “Free Ticket” box under “Price”.
  5. Click “Add Ticket” to save your new free ticket type.

Note: Live stream tickets cannot be made free for Live stream Access or Watch Again. You will have to set a price in "Price (£)".

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