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10:30am ‐ 1:00pm
Adult Ticket
£76.47 each
£70.00 + £6.47 booking fee
Sold out2:30pm ‐ 5:00pm
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Cider Makers Workshop

The perfect event for cider lovers - apple pressing, fermentation lesson, tasting and lots more!

Various times per date
The Courtyard Classroom
Bowhouse, St Monans, KY10 2DB


Join us at Bowhouse to learn how to make your own apple cider with a Scottish producer. The day will involve an apple pressing session, getting hands on with our very own masher and press. Bring your own apples from home or we will have plenty at hand from the Balcaskie Estate orchards.

You will then learn from Digby of Diggers Cider about the fermentation process and bottling. This will be followed by a guided cider tasting session.

You will also get to take home your very own 2 litre demijohn of freshly pressed apple juice with instructions on how to ferment at home.

What’s included –
• Apple pressing session
• Talk on cider making and fermentation
• Cider tasting with Diggers Cider
• Glass demijohn to make cider from home
• Complimentary tea, coffee and apple pie

Bowhouse An event by Bowhouse

Discover more from Bowhouse

1 Date Sold Out
Spoon Carving Day Class
20 Apr 2024
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Spoon Carving Day Class
The Courtyard Classroom, St Monans
Saturday 20 April 2024

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