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Sun 25 May 11:00am ‐ 4:00pm
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Spoon Carving Day Class

Get hands on and carve your own spoon with experienced woodworker, Louise Forbes.

11:00am ‐ 4:00pm
The Courtyard Classroom
Bowhouse, St Monans, KY10 2DB


Join a spoon carving workshop with a small group of individuals who have a passion for crafting. It will be a lovely day out with chatter, all tools and materials provided...and you'll leave with a spoon that you carved yourself!

Included with your ticket, Bowhouse will provide you with a voucher to get lunch and a drink from Baern Café and Bakery.

Please make sure you wear clothes you don't mind getting dusty and feel free to bring your own snacks - it's hungry work!

Bowhouse An event by Bowhouse

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