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A Fire Ignites

+ 2 more dates
7:00pm ‐ 7:50pm
(various times per date)
Etcetera Theatre Club
265 Camden High Street, Above the Oxford Arms, London, NW1 7BU


A Fire Ignites tells the story of a brave teenage girl, Parisa, in modern-day Iran who sets her hijab on fire in public. Attacked by the morality police for her rebellion, she desires nothing more than to free her country from oppression. Her best friend, who shelters her, is exhausted from fighting and lives in fear. She and Parisa are opposites, as Parisa still believes that human beings are good despite all she has endured. Parisa's mother fears for her daughter's life, and conflict emerges. This story is inspired by the brave young women in Iran today.

Etcetera Theatre An event by Etcetera Theatre

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