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Wed 19 Mar 7:00pm ‐ 8:00pm
£11.43 each
£10.00 + £1.43 booking fee
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7:00pm ‐ 8:00pm
Etcetera Theatre Club
265 Camden High Street, Above the Oxford Arms, London, NW1 7BU


"-they asked me to choose my favourite piece, and that’s the piece I chose."

Dolor explores the relationship between grief, art, and identity in this story following artist Avery’s complex and painstaking journey to self-understanding and expression following a major loss in her life.

This solo-performance is as funny as it is heartbreaking with an unceasing chime of hope ringing throughout.

Dolor is the first part of a duology exploring the artist Avery’s journey.

Etcetera Theatre An event by Etcetera Theatre

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