In this captivating magic and mind-reading spectacle, prepare to be spellbound as the enigmatic magician, Chris Dodd, delves into the depths of fear itself. "F.E.A.R" stands for Fabulous, Enchanting, Astonishing, Risky, and this show lives up to every letter of its name.
Audiences are taken on a mesmerising journey through the realms of both rational and irrational fears. From the fear of spiders to the terror of heights, and even the peculiar dread of the color yellow (xanthophobia), each phobia becomes a gateway to wonder and mystery. With each flick of the wrist and each mind-bending illusion, Chris not only captivates but also educates, showing that fear can be conquered and even celebrated.
Through a blend of theatrical magic and mind-reading feats, "F.E.A.R" transcends mere entertainment, offering a profound exploration of human emotion and psychology. As illusions unfold seamlessly, fear itself seems to melt away, leaving the audience awestruck and inspired.
Prepare to confront your fears in the most enchanting way possible, as "F.E.A.R" promises an evening where the impossible becomes possible, and fear itself becomes a thrilling adventure into the unknown.
Chris Dodd has performed worldwide for well over twenty years. He performs regularly for high profile guests and executives at corporate events, weddings and private parties. He is a member of the world-renowned Magic Circle, and one trick you will see tonight was broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Magic on the radio? You have to hear it to believe it!
This show will be filmed. By buying a ticket you accept that your likeness and voice may be used in marketing materials for Chris Dodd Magic Ltd.