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Thu 4 Jul 7:00pm ‐ 8:00pm
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Rat Tails

Jeremy McClain (Pose on BBC/FX) stars in Rat Tails, a new one-man show directed by Matt McBrier.

7:00pm ‐ 8:00pm
Etcetera Theatre Club
265 Camden High Street, Above the Oxford Arms, London, NW1 7BU


Set in an NHS maternity ward waiting room, Jasper – a neurotic, gay, American model agent – anxiously awaits the arrival of his baby. As he muses on his childhood and everything that got him to this moment, we follow this Southern-bred, Prozac-popping, biracial millennial who’s married into a wealthy, British aristocratic family as he explores themes of intergenerational trauma, mental health, gay culture, and class in this poignant and funny exploration of impending fatherhood.

Etcetera Theatre An event by Etcetera Theatre

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