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Fri 5 Jul 7:00pm ‐ 8:00pm
£10.34 each
£9.00 + £1.34 booking fee
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This Porno does not pass the Bechdel Test

7:00pm ‐ 8:00pm
Etcetera Theatre Club
265 Camden High Street, Above the Oxford Arms, London, NW1 7BU


'The chance to win the night of your dreams with semi-famous porn star Lance Hardwood.' F*ck-a-fan: An internet contest where an ordinary person can appear in a video with their favourite porn star. Sienna’s won the competition and now it’s time to reap the reward. The countdown’s begun – in 45 minutes, her and Lance will begin their livestream, but she’s having doubts. Not just about the recording, but porn in general. Sex. Ethics. Jason Derulo. This hilarious feminist tragicomedy will give you a night you won’t forget. Will you be watching?

Etcetera Theatre An event by Etcetera Theatre

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