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Restorative Yoga

Join Linda for a slow and gentle Hatha yoga session.

+ 2 more dates
10:00am ‐ 11:00am
(various times per date)
Lost Shore Event Studio
Lost Shore Surf Resort, 11 South Platt Hill, Newbridge


Join Linda Keys for this restorative class to experience a gentle and mindful practice combining breath with movement. Move between postures at a relaxed, meditative pace, allowing time to explore your most comfortable alignment, build strength, and increase flexibility.

Suitable for almost everyone including beginners or people working with limited mobility or injuries (not suitable during pregnancy).

Restorative Yoga encourages deep relaxation while promoting balance and body awareness. Expect a calming and nourishing experience that leaves you feeling grounded and refreshed.

Please bring your own mat. Age 16+.

Linda qualified with her 200hr YTT in 2019 and has since completed further training in yin, pregnancy and postnatal, yoga philosophy and meditation. She is trained as a trauma-informed practitioner and is now a 500hr ERYT.

Lost Shore Surf Resort An event by Lost Shore Surf Resort


Lost Shore Event Studio, Lost Shore Surf Resort, 11 South Platt Hill, Newbridge

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