Explore our animated shorts programmes at your own leisure online and celebrate extraordinary animation from around the globe, showcasing a dizzying range of styles, techniques, genres and ideas.
Explore our animated shorts programmes at your own leisure online and celebrate extraordinary animation from around the globe, showcasing a dizzying range of styles, techniques, genres and ideas. The programmes are co-curated with Take One Action Film Festivals and Sanctuary Queer Arts, each looking at animation from different social and artistic perspectives.
Our three International short film programmes run in-person at the French Institute of Scotland - and include On The Edge, Queer Stories, and From 'La Fantasmagorie' to the Future.
Manipulate Festival recommends a 18 rating for these online film programmes.
On the date of the screenings going live, Friday 14 February, you'll be emailed links and passwords giving you access to selected films from the screening programmes - you can pick and choose which films to watch. The films will be available for 48 hours.