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Fri 22 Nov 11:15am ‐ 12:30pm
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Resting as Artists

As an artist it’s easy to feel like you’re always busy - making art, working other jobs, writing funding applications... It’s hard to find space for something we all need - rest. With Jeda Pearl, Alan Spence, and Elspeth Wilson.

11:15am ‐ 12:30pm
Dance Base Studio 3
14-16 Grassmarket, Edinburgh, EH1 2JU


It’s a precarious and stressful time to be an artist, which means it’s easy to feel like you’re always busy - making art, working on projects, writing funding applications, sorting through taxes, working other jobs, and doing events. It can be hard to see where there’s space to do something we all need to do - rest, relax, and understand that doing nothing can be the most important thing both for our health and our art.

In this event, artists Jeda Pearl, Alan Spence, and Elspeth Wilson will share their own methods for recognising when they need that much needed rest, how they carve out time for it, and how it’s benefited their practice.

Chaired through the ConVERSE Emerging Chairs Programme with Edinburgh University.

Push the Boat Out An event by Push the Boat Out


Dance Base Studio 3, 14-16 Grassmarket, Edinburgh, EH1 2JU

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