We planted a forest

Citizen Ticket planted trees between July 2019 and December 2023 via partnership with The National Forest Company.

We chose to work with The National Forest for a few reasons:

  • They take a committed and long term approach to sustainability.
  • They are overseen by DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs)
  • They plant mixed native woodland, not commercial single species monocultures, which improves the environment, beyond short term CO2 absorption.
  • They are aware and mindful of the rampant greenwashing going on at the moment, basically they are careful of who they accept money from.

Since working with The National Forest, and with support from our organisers, Citizen Ticket has proudly planted a forest of over 3,000 carefully selected trees in the UK Midlands - creating a healthy ecosystem that will outlive us all.

Over this period I was asked to join their Commercial Advisory Board, since we have worked together closely. Over the years and countless calls and meetings, I have learnt a good deal about the ins and outs of tree planting, the UK sustainability scene and how to plant trees responsibly and properly. It has been a privilege to work with The National Forest growing our trees.

Whether it be creating world-class event software, improving our internal systems or really any business decision, we at Citizen Ticket think from a first principles perspective. We try to construct our solutions or ideas from the ground up (no pun intended). Decisions based on the fundamental principles and new or innovative solutions.

For these core reasons we have made the decision that it is time to approach our tree planting initiative from a new angle. We are working on plans for a more independent and impactful strategy, and look forward to sharing them with you in the near future.

Kind regards,

Harry Boisseau
CEO - Citizen Ticket

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